Struggling Doncaster businesses in video plea for cash help from Government

Doncaster businesses have launched a plea for help from the Government.Doncaster businesses have launched a plea for help from the Government.
Doncaster businesses have launched a plea for help from the Government.
Doncaster hospitality businesses struggling under coronavirus lockdown restrictions have launched a plea calling for cash help from the Government.

Doncaster Chamber and Business Doncaster have launched the campaign calling on the Government to provide more support for the town’s hospitality businesses after devastating news that South Yorkshire will remain in Tier 3.

Under Tier 3 restrictions, hospitality settings must close except for takeaway, delivery and click and collect services.

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As venues struggle to cope with mounting rent, rates and staffing costs, more financial support is needed to avoid more closures.

In the video, owners of Doncaster’s most-loved bars, pubs and restaurants make a plea and rallying call for people to support the fight.

Jade Dyer, Assistant Director of Services at Doncaster Chamber said, “The hospitality sector has been put through the mill since March. They complied with government’s asks to operate, only to be forced to close. After investing thousands of pounds to ensure they were COVID-secure, it is soul destroying for business owners in hospitality to watch customers walking past their premises to join the queues elsewhere on the high street.

“Some of the businesses we filmed with have been unable to open since March. Whilst they welcomed the initial financial packages of support in the early days of the pandemic, they are now receiving less than £3,000 per month – a figure that doesn’t cover costs like rent, bills, pensions contributions and national insurance.”

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Filming was extremely emotional as the business owners felt every word they were saying. One business owner who wanted to remain anonymous admitted to re-mortgaging their home in order to cover the cost of being closed. “You just feel like giving up, our hands are tied and we don’t know how much longer we can go on like this. We are eating into our savings.”

Another said that takeaway services don’t work for all types of hospitality business and that after attempting it they found that it was unsustainable due to fuel and other costs. “People want to come to our restaurant and be served, takeaway doesn’t give the same experience. We tried to diversify but we had to admit in the end it wasn’t financially viable.”

You can watch the video HERE