Drive-in big screen carol service planned by Doncaster church

Last year' drive-in carol service was very popular.Last year' drive-in carol service was very popular.
Last year' drive-in carol service was very popular.
A Doncaster church has added a fesitve twist to drive-in-cinema for those who fancy a festive singalong in front of a big screen.

The Salvation Army Lakeside Community Church is hosting two free drive-in community carol services in the car park on Saturday 18th December.

Peopel will be able to get into the festive spirit and sing along to their favourite carols from the warmth and safety of their own cars with a specially prepared service projected on a huge 15mx10m inflatable drive-in movie screen.

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The service will include a performance from the Salvation Army brass band and choir, the Lakeside Youth Orchestra and a video Nativity presentation by young members of the congregation.

The services will take place at 5pm and 7pm.

Captain Alan Bawden commanding officer, said: “We did one last year as during covid lockdown you weren’t allowed to meet inside and it was a rip-roaring success.

“You drive in take your car parking space you are allocated and as you come in someone will give you a Bluetooth speaker that sits on top of your dashboard.

“Our band will be playing live before and after while people are coming in and pulling up and settling themselves down for the a pre-recorded carol service.”

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There are 140 spaces for the free event which you need to pre-book and give your registration number.

“Some people might want to go to a carol service , they might not have been in a church for a long time, it’s just something different, “ added Capt Bawden.

“The original one we did for our church last year. When we have a carol service we might up to 200 people in the church. it is a big church and we regularly have 130-150 Sunday morning worshippers. We weren’t allowed to do any of that last year because of Government restrictions so we decided so that people could sing some carols everybody could come in their own car, sing along at the top of their voices not offend anybody.

“People did get out afterwards to say a quick hello to each other, but it was all outside so it was as safe as it could be.”

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The church has been allowed to hold it’s own service as usual on December 19 so members decided to hold the drive-in one for the community of Doncaster.

The video has been produced and put together by members of the Church.

Filming a service and cutting and editing it is a huge job . Like last year it will be just like watching TV,” said Alan.

“One of the members of our church is a broadcast journalist and she does a really professional job . Because they are recorded on green screens she can make the kids look absolutely wonderful- we can have angels flying and other effects.”

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“We would like it to be an annual event and become our Christmas gift to Doncaster.

“It is ideal for people who might not normally go to church but would like to sing some carols. They might not be comfortable in the church setting but they would be comfortable in their own cars.

“If anybody hasn’t got a car we will be live streaming it inside the church as well.”

Booking by contacting 01302 538245 or emailing [email protected]

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