South Axholme Academy helps students to aim high

An artists impression of how the new South Axholme Academy sixth form will look.An artists impression of how the new South Axholme Academy sixth form will look.
An artists impression of how the new South Axholme Academy sixth form will look.
This is the first in our education picture specials focussing on a different school each week and what students are up to.

This week the spotlight is on South Axholme Academy in Epworth and deputy head teacher, Scott Barlow, has provided a number of pictures highlighting academy achievements in recent times.

Mr Barlow said students continued to benefit from the outstanding Ofsted the academy received in October when the mathematics department was judged to be good overall.

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At the time of the inspection Principal of South Axholme Academy, Sarah Thompson, said: “We are extremely pleased with the outcome from our subject survey inspection which recognises the hard work shown by the mathematics team and our students. We are working hard on the areas for improvement to move us to outstanding as indicated by the mathematics department.”

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