CCTV APPEAL: Man robs Doncaster bookmakers armed with large piece of wood

Can you help police identify this man? Police want to speak to him in connection with an armed robbery at Coral Bookmakers in Balby Road, Balby.Can you help police identify this man? Police want to speak to him in connection with an armed robbery at Coral Bookmakers in Balby Road, Balby.
Can you help police identify this man? Police want to speak to him in connection with an armed robbery at Coral Bookmakers in Balby Road, Balby.
Workers at a Doncaster bookmakers have been left 'incredibly shaken', after an armed raider threatened them with a piece of wood and forced them to empty the till.

The incident occurred at around 6.25pm on Monday, November 30, when a man entered the Coral Bookmakers in Balby Road, Balby.

He approached a member of staff who was stood behind the counter and threatened them with a large piece of wood to hand over money from the till.

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The man then fled the scene with around £130 in cash and heads down onto Albany Road.

South Yorkshire police have today released this CCTV image of a man they would like to speak to in connection with the robbery.

DC Dave Nixon said: “Fortunately there were no injuries sustained by anyone in the bookmakers, however staff in the shop are incredibly shaken by the incident.

“The man in the image may have information that could prove vital to the investigation, and I would urge him, or anyone who believes they may recognise him or knows his identity, to please come forward.”

If you have information, please call 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, quoting incident number 850 of 30 November 2015.