Green scheme: Doncaster MP shows her green credentials

Rosie winterton MP (centre) with Woodland Trust volunteersRosie winterton MP (centre) with Woodland Trust volunteers
Rosie winterton MP (centre) with Woodland Trust volunteers
Helping the environment is the aim of Doncaster Central MP Rosie Winterton who has shown her green credentials by planting trees in Elmfield Park in the town as part of the Queen's Commonwealth Canopy.

Dame Rosie has joined more than 500 MPs to plant trees as part of the project to create a network of forest conservation initiatives to mark Her Majesty's lifetime of service to the Commonwealth.

As part of her contribution at Elmfield Park, Dame Rosie planted two silver birch, two rowan, and a hazel.

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The trees were donated thanks to a partnership between the Woodland Trust, Sainsbury's and ITV, which in April screened a landmark documentary, The Queen's Green Planet, following Her Majesty the Queen and this ambitious legacy project, which brings together her deeply held commitment to the Commonwealth and her little-known love of trees.

Dame Rosie said: 'It was great to receive the donation of saplings and to plant them in Elmfield Park. It is vital that everyone is able to enjoy the benefits of nature and have access to clean air, clean water and protection from flood risk and I thank the Woodland Trust and its partners for this initiative.'

Woodland Trust chief executive, Beccy Speight, said she hoped residents would enjoy watching the trees flourish and added: 'We are delighted so many MPs have decided to join us in our bid to plant trees as part of the Queen's Commonwealth Canopy. We all need trees. They are a cornerstone of our landscape and countryside, forming an essential and cherished part of our cultural identity. They are crucial in improving soil health and water quality, reducing carbon, trapping pollutants, slowing the flow of flood water, sheltering livestock, providing a home for wildlife or a space for us to breathe.'

Sainsbury's CEO, Mike Coupe, said: 'As the Woodland Trust's largest corporate partner, we're committed to raising awareness of the importance of the UK's woods and trees and contributing to their conservation.'

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