Letter: Doncaster day centre for dementia sufferers is vital

Care for the elderlyCare for the elderly
Care for the elderly
I recently attended a meeting at Crimpsall Lodge, Hexthorpe,, because the council are considering closing it.

This is a day centre where people suffering with dementia go, and for a small fee are well looked after

My husband has vascular dementia and the centre is not only providing a stimulating social environment for him but is a huge help to me and others.

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The reason they give for thinking about closure is that there aren’t enough attending. Given the increasing numbers of people needing this kind of support and care, I have to question why people don’t know about Crimpsall?

It was only word of mouth that I found out about the centre. The councillors who are making this decision should have been at the meeting to see the very, very distressed patients.

Whilst those patients were told there would be places for them at Bentley and Sandall Park centres (but not on a Monday or Tuesday), these people need continuity not disruption.

I understand that the new contract for running these facilities has been awarded to a company called “Making Space” – which is rather a contradiction in my view because these patients at Crimpsall are being pushed out of their familiar surroundings.

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When will this ‘Dementia Friendly’ council realise that this is an on-going problem which is not going to go away – it is only going to get worse.

Of course it all comes down to money, money, money !

So let’s be sensible and get the priorities right by supporting the growing number of people who need care.

People who take their loved ones to Crimpsall, sometimes seven days a week, need help not patronising. Eileen and her staff are doing a marvellous job and they should be allowed to continue.

Joan Slater


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