Can you help Ashworth Barracks museum stay in Doncaster?

Ashworth Barracks, one of the most highly rated sites on Trip Advisor in YorkshireAshworth Barracks, one of the most highly rated sites on Trip Advisor in Yorkshire
Ashworth Barracks, one of the most highly rated sites on Trip Advisor in Yorkshire
One of the most highly rated sites on Trip Advisor in Yorkshire is the Ashworth Barracks Museum, the ‘public face’ of The Victoria Cross Trust, a charity that specialises in cleaning and maintaining the graves of VC recipients.

One of the most highly rated sites on Trip Advisor in Yorkshire is the Ashworth Barracks Museum, the ‘public face’ of The Victoria Cross Trust, a charity that specialises in cleaning and maintaining the graves of VC recipients. For five years the museum has been on a site kindly provided by Doncaster Council and it is coming to the end of its lease, the land being required for urgently needed housing in the Borough.

The museum is being slimmed down to its essentials and the Trust is exploring options for the future of the museum. Some options would require a move away from Doncaster - the roots of the Trust - which would be hard on the many veterans that are involved with the Trust and in addition, a loss to the town.

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Consequently, we are asking if anyone in the borough has a vacant building or premises that the Trust could use as a base or possibly a small museum. If you believe you might be able to help, please contact at [email protected]

Thank you to all our many visitors over the years; we really want to stay with you in Doncaster.

Guy Aston, Trustee

Cedar Road, Doncaster. DN4 9EY