Residents oppose plan to turn former Tickhill pub into convenience store and flats

The former Millstone pub in TickhillThe former Millstone pub in Tickhill
The former Millstone pub in Tickhill
Residents have lodged their objections at a plan to turn a former Doncaster village pub into a convenience store and flats.

Lloyd Nicholson, of Lazurus Properties, wants to transform the now closed Millstone pub on Westgate, Tickhill and a decision now lies with Doncaster Council’s planning department.

But due to the level of opposition, the final call will likely rest with councillors on the planning committee which could come before the end of the year.

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Doncaster Civic Trust, who are keen advocates for the preservation and conservation of historic buildings, has also objected to plans for a convenience store.

The wider development includes a ground floor store, three one-bedroom flats, two two-bedroom flats and 21 parking spaces. A partial demolition of an outbuilding is also set to take place alongside the erection of a new external stairway and extension.

The property and grounds were put up for sale at a guide price of £850,000 in March this year.

Objector Rod Broad said: “The village cannot support a supermarket as it already supports three news agents, three convenience stores, two butchers, a fresh fish shop, a fruit and veg shop and a card shop.

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“How greedy can supermarkets be? Some retailers have traded for 40 years plus only to see a bleak future if this application granted.

“Pubs are changing to supermarkets and (this happened) to the Star at Barnby Dun. This trend has to stop as they are killing local communities.

Archie Sinclair, from Doncaster Civic Trust, said: “Although it would be very good to see the building back in use, this is not the appropriate location for a retail use – It is outside the town's central commercial area.

“The Trust has no objection to the proposed use of the first floor as apartments. It is suggested that the ground floor could be split to provide smaller spaces for restaurant, tea room or cafe-bar which could provide compatible social uses in the area.”

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Graham Raynor, from GR Planning & Architectural Design, said: “The proposed retail use will compliment existing retail uses in the town by providing a store with a greater retail floor area than could be accommodated or created elsewhere within the core business area and as such will increase the range and choice of products and commodities that are presently available.

“This will avoid the need for residents to have to travel to larger retail outlets in neighbouring settlements.”