Residents and business owners call on Doncaster MPs and council officials to attend next meeting on Spice problem

Anger, frustration and worry were the main feelings from a public meeting to discuss the issue of Spice in Doncaster town centre.

Anger, frustration and worry were the main feelings from a public meeting to discuss the issue of Spice in Doncaster town centre.

A call was also made for people to carry on supporting Doncaster traders after some residents said drug taking and anti-social behaviour put them off shopping in the town centre.

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Residents and business owners alike spoke with passion and conviction as they recalled stories of drug addicts around the town centre and near their homes.

The issue of people waiting nearly an hour on 101 was raised consistently throughout the meeting. South Yorkshire Police Inspector Mark Payling said he was 'well aware' of the concerns people raised about the service.

He said extra patrols had been put in place and the issue was 'high on the agenda' for town centre officers.

Insp Payling did say dozens of people had breached a Public Space Protection Order but admitted this had pushed beggars into residential areas close to the town centre.

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One lady who attended the meeting said she had stopped going to her friend's house because she has been followed by addicts asking for money.

"It's really frightening - it's taken me longer to get home because I've been followed.

"They ring my doorbell asking for money, it's really intimidating."

One resident who lives close to Town Fields said: "There is a tidal wave, a tsumami of anger in this town about these people on our streets.

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