Money pours in for tragic Doncaster teenager after 18-year-old's sudden death

Teenager Owen Redfern died after suffering a huge seizure.Teenager Owen Redfern died after suffering a huge seizure.
Teenager Owen Redfern died after suffering a huge seizure.
Money has poured in for the grieving family of a Doncaster teenager following his sudden and shock death from a massive seizure.

A fundraising campaign for the family of fit and healthy 18-year-old Owen Redfern has raised nearly £5,000 in a matter of days.

Big-hearted friends and neighbours have rallied around to help mum Natalie Savage by setting up the campaign following Owen’s death on February 26.

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Medics fought for more than an hour to resuscitate Owen of Clay Lane after his sudden collapse but were unable to save him.

Said Natalie: "He has left a hole that will never be filled. He will always be loved and missed. We don’t know how to live without him but he would want to see us happy in life so we will do our best to keep him proud of us."

"No family ever expects to lose their beloved son at such a young age, I certainly didn't. My blue-eyed baby boy lost his young life on February 26 to what looks like a huge seizure which caused his heart to fail.

"Seeing how the death of my Owen has touched all your hearts, for him and for us, has not only comforted us, but it has made me realise he was not just mine to love, but he was deeply loved by so many. We reach out to you all this day in the hope you will want to help us make sure our little soldier gets the send-off he truly deserves."

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"As a lone parent, your support will enable his sister Layla and I to grieve our tremendous loss in a healthy way and help to carry us back into a healthy future, knowing our boy loved and was loved. We place him safely back into the hands of our loving God."

Friend Beverley Lindley, who has launched the Crowdfunding campaign said: "Owen was tragically taken from us in unexpected circumstances. He was an exceptional young man with a lot to live for.

"He was such a special well-mannered boy, always putting a smile on people's faces. His beauty shone inside and out and he will be greatly missed by all. Owen was taken way before his time."

You can donate to the campaign HERE

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