This week's readers' letter: Signs at Lakeside are a little too late

Unsafe activity around LakesideUnsafe activity around Lakeside
Unsafe activity around Lakeside

You can see why as residents we get frustrated with DMBC and its officers and councillors.

It was a year ago at the height of the pandemic and the associated restrictions we contacted DMBC about the immense and unsafe activity around Lakeside. You may recall the video one of the residents posted showing swarms of people walking around the lake on a path not two meters wide?

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Well yesterday the attached signs were erected around the Lakeside. What an absolute waste of taxpayers money and time. Its too late, cannot be enforced and if people don,t know about social distancing by now there is something wrong.

There just seems to be a total disconnect between Public Health Strategy, DMBC actions and residents views.

It just creates total lethargy at voting time. And before someone responds "there are bigger things to worry about" well you can apply that thought process to anything if you are not bothered!

Wayne Goddard

Lakeside resident